Manuel & Carol Navarro

Country or Ministry:
On the Field

God called me into full-time ministry while serving in various ministries at my home church—Heritage Baptist Church in Barrie, Ontario. We were actively serving the Lord in our local church until the Lord showed me the field of Trinidad in 2006. In 2008, we moved to Trinidad, and during our first two years, we served at Charity Baptist Church. We then planted Victory Baptist Church in Debe in 2010, in the southern part of the country where Hinduism is prevalent. We were heavily involved in ministry activities and reaching the locals with the Gospel through soul-winning and visitation, Religious Education at schools, hospital visitation, Vacation Bible School, camp ministries, youth group, Sunday school, teaching at the Bible Institute and preaching.

We served in Trinidad until 2017, and after visiting and preaching at the Bible Baptist Church in Montreal, God gave a burden in my heart to take over the work in Quebec in April of 2017. Montreal is bilingual, but is predominantly French speaking, however our church is English speaking. In this needy field, we have been busy in the work of the church through youth ministries, VBS, soul-winning and tract distribution on the streets of Montreal, Bible studies, discipleship, Sunday school, music ministry, missions, preaching and other ministry activities, endeavouring to reach souls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Heaven, How do I get there? 

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."—John 14:6