Dahn Demey, Sr.

Country or Ministry:
On the Field

I have been in the ministry since June,1996 when I was officially voted as assistant pastor in my first pastorate in Accra, Ghana, and continue to minister in different capacities in Liberia today.

The ministries that I am currently working with:

God allowed me to establish Harvest Baptist Ministries 25 years ago (in 1999). I am currently involved in planting a new branch of the church which I will turn over to another pastor when it is well established. We have a Bible College in Liberia of which I am the director and one of the teachers. I also run two Christian grade schools with a total of approximately 500 students. We have a Christian radio station, Liberty Radio, of which I am the director as well. I have an outreach ministry to the Muslim community and a Safe House for Muslim converts that are persecuted. 

The goal of all these ministries is to win the lost for Christ at all costs.


Heaven, How do I get there? 

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."—John 14:6