Timothy and Joanna Elias are serving the Lord in Kenora, Ontario, with their family. They moved to Kenora in October of 2022 and Timothy began pastoring Victory Baptist Church in this northwestern Ontario city with a population of approximately 15,000 people, which doubles or triples in the summer time.
Victory Baptist Church was started in August of 1996 by church planter Greg Davis in answer to the prayers of a small group of believers, some of which are still faithful members today. On September 1, 2002, Greg Davis handed the church over to Pastor Jeff Friesen. God did a special work under the leadership of Pastor Friesen using him mightily in Kenora. During this time, the church grew averaging 50-60 people in attendance, and had many outreach ministries. In April of 2010, God moved Pastor Friesen to another church, and Pastor Keith Loveless became pastor on May 1, 2010. In April of 2017, Pastor Loveless resigned from the pastorate of Victory Baptist Church due to health issues. From 2017-2022 there were several different preachers, including Timothy, from Pembina Valley Baptist Church, who went up to preach until they were able to move there in 2022. There was a small core group of about 6 people who had remained faithful attenders at Victory Baptist Church. God has worked through Victory Baptist Church in saving souls, changing lives and people going into the ministry. Many have moved and are serving in other local churches across Canada. Since the Elias family moved to Kenora, they have had some visitors attend regular and special services, and have a few people who have started coming faithfully. They have done a lot of outreach through door hangers and door-to-door witnessing. Kenora is a very needy area, and there is much coldness and indifference toward the Gospel and church attendance. Timothy and Joanna have also sought to build relationships with those whom God has allowed to cross their paths who are not very open to the Gospel at this time. They are praying that God would continue to soften hearts and that many people would come to know Christ as Saviour! There are many really nice people who have been very good to the Elias' as a family, but don’t know Christ personally.
Victory Baptist Church is currently meeting in a rented facility, and they are praying that God would supply a meeting place where they could have Sunday school in His timing. They have two services on Sunday and a prayer meeting on Wednesday night. The church feels privileged to have missionaries through and support five on a regular basis. Church activities they have had are a Missions Sunday, special meals, Canada Day celebration, men’s breakfasts, Christmas Cantata, and other special services along with weekly door-to-door witnessing. They are also looking at doing a yearly evangelistic tent meeting in Kenora. Pray that God would supply the right location, time, resources, help, and most of all that people would attend and be drawn to Christ.
Please pray for wisdom as the Elias family seeks to reach Kenora with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."—John 14:6